Froth-Pak™ Foam Insulation is a two-component professional insulation kit. Froth-Pak™ comes as a professional sealant for air sealing gaps and penetrations up to 4 inches wide or as a spray foam insulation to fill larger cavities providing both insulation and air sealing properties. The Class-A rating (flame spread of 25 or less) of Froth-Pak™ Foam Insulation allows its use in a wide range of interior and exterior industrial, commercial, institutional and residential settings. Combining a professional sealant for air sealing gaps and spray foam insulation for filling larger cavities, DuPont™ Froth-Pak™ Foam Insulation is a two-component kit that can be used for both interior and exterior applications in commercial or residential settings.


  • Sealant for air leakage control and insulation of gaps, cracks, cavities, and joints in the building envelope
  • Ventilated crawl spaces and uninhabitable attics
  • Filling cavities, penetrations, cracks, and expansion joints
  • Sealing and void filling in many roof applications
  • In commercial/residential applications, air sealing of roof and wall junctions, wall and attic penetrations, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing penetrations, and other gaps, cracks, or crevices in the building envelope
  • In agricultural applications, sealing poultry house sidewalls


  • Chemically cured foam significantly reduces curing time
  • Dispenses expands and becomes tack-free in seconds
  • Skins over in 30-40 seconds and completely cures in minutes
  • Available in refillable cylinders or disposable kits
  • Chemically cured foam significantly reduces curing time